您好! 今年1月,伦敦世界语俱乐部(LEK)将推出新的每周在线世界语课程,从初级(A1)到高级(C1)。您可以在此页面上找到列表: https://londonaesperantoklubo.com/online-esperanto-courses.html 其中两个是为完全初学者准备的。我们每周日还与彼得(母语为世界语!)进行对话课程。 要注册,只需填写您感兴趣的课程页面上的表格。 [ESPERANTO SUBE]
In January, the London Esperanto Club (LEK) will be launching new weekly online Esperanto courses ranging from beginner (A1) to advanced (C1) levels. You can find the list on this page: https://londonaesperantoklubo.com/online-esperanto-courses.html
Two of them are for complete beginners. We also have a conversation course with Peter (a native speaker of Esperanto!) on Sundays.
To register, simply fill in the form on the page of the course you are interested in. 立即注册! 欢迎参与者参加多个课程。但是,我们要求您只有在确信可以参加大多数周的情况下才能注册,因为每组的参与者人数限制在15人左右。 如果你知道有人可能对学习世界语感兴趣,如果你能让他们知道我们为完全初学者开设的新课程,那将非常有帮助。非常感谢。 我们尽最大努力使我们的课程免费,但对于某些课程,我们要求小额自愿捐款来帮助我们支付运营成本。 如果您有任何疑问或需要更多信息,请随时与我联系。 Participants are welcome to join multiple courses. However, we ask that you register only if you are confident you can attend most weeks as the number of participants in each group is limited to around 15 people.
If you know anyone who might be interested in learning Esperanto, it would really help if you could let them know about our new courses for complete beginners. Thank you.
We do our best to keep our courses free of charge, but for some courses we ask for a small voluntary contribution to help us cover our running costs.
If you have any questions or need more information, please don't hesitate to contact me.